Monday, March 11, 2013

On 150!

Today is a very special day.  Not only is it special because it's Spring Break, and I've been moderately productive.  It is special because this is my 150th post!

Woohoo 150! 

I figured that since this is my 150th post and more than three years after I started this blog, I'd do a little bit of looking back.  Sometimes retrospective is good.  I founded this blog on January 22, 2010, in the aftermath of approximately four similar projects which went under at various times for various reasons.  I was, at the time, a senior in high school who was dead-set on attending Columbia University and thought she pretty much had the world figured out.

I've always liked to write, so it made sense that eventually I would end up blogging.  I originally tried to keep my blog politically-neutral, but I realized pretty quickly that that was doing a service to neither me nor my (often sparse) readership.  So I dropped the attempts at professionalism and started writing what I know -- snarky, sarcastic, politically-charged looks at the world around me.

There was a brief attempt to monetize the blog, but that fell through when one of my friends decided to artificially inflate my view numbers.  Oh well, worse things have happened.

These days, I'm a second-semester junior (they've referred to me as a "Rising Senior" a few times already, and that is really disconcerting) readjusting to life in the States and trying to sort my life out one day at a time.  I'm proud of the work I've done so far, and I hope to see it continue to grow.

Here's to three more years,
Rachel Leigh

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