Sunday, September 22, 2013

On Senior Year

Once upon a time, someone told me that senior year is easier.  And by once upon a time, I mean everyone has lied to me for the last four years about what my life senior year would be like.  I have been swimming in piles of class work, trying to sort through grad school applications (PLEASE SOMEBODY WANT ME), and dealing with the fact that with senior status comes a large amount of responsibility within student organizations.

When did I sign up for this?

I think, to some extent, the idea that seniors don't have to work hard is rooted in the way we, as underclassmen, saw seniors behave in personal contexts.  It always seemed like the seniors were the ones who always had time for a party...and can anyone say Cellar Wednesdays (the Cellar is our on-campus bar)?

I'm starting to wonder, though, how much of that culture was perpetuated by the sheer amount of work and stress which comes with senior year -- if maybe that's how people are choosing to cope.

All I know is that I'm jealous of the students whose Wellness classes involve taking naps.  That's just not fair.

Senioritically yours,
Rachel Leigh

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