Tuesday, February 2, 2010

On...They Might Be Giants??

"When you're following an angel, does that mean you have to throw your body off a building? Somewhere they're sitting on a pinhead, calling you an angel, calling you the nicest things."

I'm currently listening to "She's An Angel" by They Might Be Giants. I really used to hate TMBG, but I they've definitely grown on me. I think their songs pretty much take the cake for the most varied between brilliance and complete nonsense.

I mean, Particle Man is just plain ridiculous. There's a character named Triangle Man. Istanbul (Not Constantinople) is...well, kind of stupid, honestly. "Istanbul was Constantinople. Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople." Well yes. That is completely accurate. And obvious. And fairly undeserving of a song. Birdhouse In Your Soul is one of my favorite songs, and yet it's about a nightlight. Was it written by a five-year-old? And I feel like even lines in "She's An Angel," "Ana Ng," and more are just plain ridiculous. But then there are the really brilliant lines that make me love these songs.

Like the line at the top of this post. And "I don't want the world; I just want your half," in Ana Ng.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I feel like I should hate TMBG. So much of their music is simplistic, childish, and inane. But I DON'T hate TMBG. I kind of love them.

Not to put too fine a point on it, say I'm the only bee in your bonnet,
Rachel Leigh

1 comment:

  1. I'm not suprised that TMBG has finally grown on you, they have a lot of great songs, their lyrics are very dramatic and poignant at times, and nonsense at others. And both of the John's (Flansburgh and Linell) are just really good musicians and they hold everything together. What was it that made you dislike them in the first place?


Please let me know what you think!