Tuesday, August 3, 2010

On Change

Normally, I start my blog posts with a title and a clearly-defined purpose: “on…whatever.” Right now, if I were to do that, the resulting title will be “On…I’m not quite sure.” Maybe I’ll keep that title. For now, I just need to talk.

Last September, I was applying to college and I wrote an essay about a wall. Not THE Wall, not the Great Wall, but MY wall. My wall was a 68 square foot, multi-media (as in several media, not as in flashing, twinkling, music-playing) collage. I thought I had a picture of it. I don’t. I would take a picture now, but, as it turns out, in addition to my leaving for college in 2 weeks, my family is also moving.

So, long before I was ready, my precious wall has begun to come down.100803-204819 This is what my wall now currently looks like. About half of it remains on my now depressingly-periwinkle (previously not visible) wall. The other half is now in a silver plastic tub to be put in storage somewhere.

I guess it’s time for change. My wall has been a huge representation of who I am for the last two years, but I’m moving on to another point in my life, and maybe my wall won’t be the representation of who I am in this new stage.

Hey look, I found a slightly deeper angle! Sweet. I can now name this post something other than “On Wall.”

In Metamorphosis (Shedding my exoskeleton and growing some wings),
Rachel Leigh

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