Thursday, July 5, 2012

You know what's awesomely safe for everyone on the road?

Let's say there's an intersection.  For argument's sake (or, because people are morons and this actually happened), let's say it's an intersection downtown with pretty heavy foot traffic.

Say you pull up to this traffic light, and you find yourself at a red light.  Where do you stop?  I, personally, would say "before the crosswalk."  But, apparently, if the drivers on the road today are anything close to resembling right, then I would be wrong.  The answer is, apparently, "In or even over the crosswalk."

Because nothing says "the picture of safety" quite like forcing pedestrians to walk in the middle of the intersection to get around you.

Dear FOUR PEOPLE I saw do this today: You have been rated my Douchebags of the Day.  I wish I had gotten a picture of your car so I could post it on the internet just to humiliate you for apparently not knowing how to operate your freaking motor vehicle.  You suck, thanks.

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