Saturday, January 23, 2010

Welcome to Day 2 of the Snarkfest

I'm sitting on my floor, surrounded by two broken backpacks, a laptop case, books on the meaning of Shakespeare, a sock, and a wet towel. My trash can is literally overflowing with college mail and papers from the past semester that I am finally and happily ridding myself of forever. I'm honestly wondering what is wrong with my life. Right now, though, my major concern is my impending appointment.

You'd think by now I'd be used to these. It's the seventh visit in a round of psychiatric appointments designed to test me for and help me cope with ADHD. On the one hand, I feel like I'm one of the most functional ADD kids I've ever met. On the other, I twitch like crazy and never stop talking, and apparently my lack of focus interferes with my executive functions.

I think the reason I'm concerned about this appointment is just that I don't know where we're going now. I got back the results of my testing over the last two appointments what? I know she wants me to phase out processed sugars and artificial flavors and get regular exercise to handle my hyperactivity but I really don't know what else she might want me to change. And I'm not sure I like it.

I swear I will talk about Wilfred Owen soon.

Hope You're Doing Well,
Rachel Leigh

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